Environmental Policy

Made To Help is dedicated to upholding the principles of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) — prioritizing people, the environment, and then financial sustainability in all our decisions. Our commitment extends beyond mere compliance with regulations; we strive to be a leader in environmental stewardship while fulfilling our obligations as an NDIS provider. This policy outlines our dedication to integrating these priorities into our daily operations and long-term strategies.


Our Commitment

  • People First: We ensure that all our practices enhance the well-being and quality of life of our clients, staff, and community members. We actively work to create an inclusive environment that supports the health and development of individuals with diverse abilities.
  • Environmental Stewardship: We are committed to protecting and improving the environment. This includes optimizing resource use, reducing waste, preventing pollution, and adopting and promoting sustainable practices.
  • Financial Responsibility: While we prioritize social and environmental aspects, we manage our financial resources responsibly to ensure the long-term sustainability of our operations and services. This approach supports our mission and enhances our capacity to serve our community effectively.
  • NDIS Compliance: We adhere to all NDIS obligations, ensuring that our services are delivered with the highest standards of care and professionalism. Our environmental initiatives are designed to complement our primary mission of providing excellent care and support to people with disabilities.


To embody these principles, we will:

  • Set clear, measurable objectives that reflect our commitment to people, the environment, and financial sustainability.
  • Conduct regular training for our team to align their work with our TBL approach.
  • Engage with our clients, their families, and the community to promote and educate on sustainability in the context of disability care.
  • Monitor our practices and publish annual sustainability reports to transparently share our progress and areas for improvement based on GRI standards.

Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant and effective in meeting our TBL goals and NDIS obligations. Changes in regulations, advancements in sustainability practices, or shifts in community needs will be considered to adapt and continuously improve our environmental efforts.

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